* Bóbrka (Krosno district) - the bust of Łukasiewicz on a pedestal, standing in the front of the house in which he lived, author: Władysław Kandefer.
* Chorkówka (Krosno district) - a statue erected in 1979
* Gorlice - ul. Legionów, one of the famous people honoured by the Millennium Monument, 1968
* Kraków - ul. Lubicz, in the front of the NAFTA office building, housing various institutions connected with oil mining. Near the Institute of Oil Mining and Gas Engineering - the same bust as that in Bóbrka.
* Krosno - Konstytucji 3 Maja square - complete figure, holding the paraffin lamp in the right hand. The statue was erected in 1932, author: Jan Raszka.
Ignacy Łukasiewicza is also the patron of the Rzeszów Technical University.
source: http://pl.wikipedia.org/